April 7, 2023 Posted in Moving Tips
Kate Holland

A true grunge and rock music fan born in Seattle, Kate has moved across the country and started writing about her experience

Starting Over – Navigating Relocation After Divorce

As if divorce isn’t hard enough, it often goes hand-in-hand with relocating. Relocation after divorce – whatever the circumstances may be – can feel overwhelming and exhausting. Changing homes is a difficult endeavor, but getting through such times of transition doesn’t have to be painful.

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Deciding to relocate after a legal separation is not uncommon

It’s possible to get divorced and start anew in a new place. It includes creating an environment that nurtures positive growth as you heal from your past relationship and establishing yourself for what lies ahead. So kick up your feet and loosen those belts around your hearts – whether you’re moving out of state after divorce out of necessity or opportunity – because we have all the tips you need to ensure starting over will be smooth sailing!

Reasons for Relocating After Divorce

Going through a divorce can be a stressful and challenging time, and it’s not uncommon for individuals to consider relocating with cross-country movers as a way to start fresh. Whatever drives you to prepare for moving out after a divorce, there are some common reasons why people choose to invest in cross-country moving services and move after divorce.

Starting a New Job

One of the primary reasons for considering different cross-country moving companies to move to another state alone after a divorce is to pursue a new job opportunity. Deciding to move to a new city or state can offer access to a wider range of job prospects and potentially higher salaries than in your current location. It could be an exciting time to jumpstart a new career path and build a new support system.

Being Closer to Family

Moving cross country in such a situation may include taking a “where should I move” quiz. However, many individuals also choose to relocate to be closer to their family, either for their emotional support or to take care of family members. This can be especially important if you’re relocating with kids and want to surround them with family to provide them with the best environment.

Wanting a Change of Scenery

Divorce can be a significant change and an opportunity to embrace a new location. Sometimes, people decide to live elsewhere to feel a sense of adventure or to try something new. A change of scenery can provide a break from the past and help you move forward.

Take Into Consideration the Legal Side of Separation

When it comes to relocating to another state to start over, there are several legal considerations that should be taken into account, starting with the “Move-Away” custody case for children that are minors. Failure to follow the proper legal procedures could result in serious complications, so it is important to be aware of the rules and regulations governing custody arrangements, child support payments, and court orders. Here are some key legal considerations to keep in mind:

  • If you have children and you are planning to move after your divorce, you will need to consider your custody arrangements. If you have a custody agreement in place, you may need to seek permission from the court or your ex-spouse before you can relocate. In some cases, the court may need to modify the custody arrangement if the move will impact the child’s best interests.
  • If you are a custodial parent and you are moving, you may need to modify the child support payments you receive from your ex-spouse. This will require you to file a modification request with the court. If you are a non-custodial parent, you may need to petition the court to modify your child support payments if your ex-spouse’s relocation will impact your ability to pay.
  • If there are court orders in place regarding your divorce, you will need to ensure that you comply with them when moving. This may include notifying the court and your ex-spouse of your plans to move to another city and seeking approval if necessary. Failure to comply with court orders can result in legal complications and even penalties.

It is important to follow the proper legal procedures when relocating after divorce to avoid complications. Failing to do so can result in legal disputes, fines, and other issues that can be difficult to resolve. Seeking the advice of a family law attorney can help you navigate the legal system and ensure that you are following the proper procedures. Also, keep in mind that you should think about helping kids cope with the relocation, as they may experience some anxiety about relocating to another state.

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Carefully consider each legal step when it comes to relocating after getting divorced

Financial Planning Is a Must When Moving After a Divorce

Moving can involve significant expenses, including hiring professional movers, finding a new place to live, and transferring utilities. It’s essential to have a solid financial plan in place before relocating so your move doesn’t add more stress to your life. Financial planning is crucial when relocating after a legal separation as it provides a comprehensive understanding of your financial situation.

It also helps you create a realistic budget, make informed decisions about housing and employment, and aligns your future financial goals with your new circumstances. By taking control of your finances through planning, you can navigate the transition more effectively and achieve financial stability and peace of mind.

Tips for Budgeting and Saving Money During the Relocation Process

When it comes to budgeting and saving money during the relocation process after legal separation, there are some practical tips you should keep in mind. First and foremost, you should evaluate your financial situation while also prioritizing essential expenses. The next step is to reduce unnecessary costs.

Before you choose a cross-country moving company, research affordable housing options. And just before you pack everything up and prepare for a move, ensure you negotiate services to save on utility costs. Additionally, you should consider DIY tasks, track expenses, and set aside an emergency fund.

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There are numerous ways for you to save some money while preparing to relocate

Hire a Cross Country Moving Company to Help With Your Relocation After Divorce

Hiring long-distance movers can be a wise decision when relocating after a divorce. These professionals have the expertise and resources to handle the logistical challenges of a long-distance relocation, allowing you to focus on other aspects of your life during this emotional transition. A reliable long-distance moving company can provide services such as packing service, loading, transportation, and unloading, ensuring the safe and efficient transfer of your belongings.

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Consider Using More Than One Cross-Country Moving Service

Considering the use of multiple long-distance moving services can offer several advantages. By utilizing different solutions, such as packing, transportation, and unloading, you can customize your moving experience based on your specific needs and budget. By diversifying your approach to cross-country moving services, you can optimize efficiency and potentially reduce costs while ensuring a smooth and successful relocation process.

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Bundling up different services may cost you less

Focus on Finding a New Home

Finding a new home in a new location after a divorce can be both exciting and challenging. It requires thorough research, careful consideration of your needs, and balancing them with your financial capabilities. By taking the time to explore neighborhoods, utilize online resources, engage local experts, and thoroughly evaluate potential properties, you can increase your chances of finding a home that supports your fresh start and provides a comfortable living environment.

Build a Support System That Will Help You Cope With the Change

Relocating can mean leaving behind friends or a community that you’ve built a bond with. This can be especially challenging if you are the primary caregiver for your children or have developed a close network of support. It may take time to build up a similar support system in your new location. However, you should work on it, especially when you’re relocating with children after divorce. Here are a few reasons why it’s crucial to build a support system in a new location:

  • Having emotional support during a time of stress and change can help alleviate anxiety, relocation depression, and feelings of isolation. It gives you a sense of belonging and can provide you with an outlet to share your experiences.
  • A support system can also offer practical help, such as assistance with childcare, errands, or moving. Having someone to lend a helping hand can reduce the stress of settling into a new location.
  • Meeting new people and forming new friendships is an essential aspect of any relocation process. Without a support system, you may feel isolated and find it challenging to adjust to your new environment.

Relocating can be a significant life change, and it’s essential to have a support system in place to help you cope with the transition.

Join Social Clubs and Communities, and Attend Local Events

Joining social clubs or engaging with community programs is an excellent way to meet new people with similar interests. Consider activities like volunteering at a local charity or joining a fitness class. This can provide you with an opportunity to build relationships with people with common goals and interests.

Additionally, you should research and attend events in the area. Many towns and cities may have events focused on bringing people together, such as farmers’ markets, block parties, or art shows. Going out and getting involved is an excellent way to learn about the local culture and meet new people.

Utilize Social Media

Social media is an excellent tool to find people and groups with similar interests or connect with established groups in your new area. A quick search on Facebook or Meetup can reveal a variety of local groups, from hiking and book clubs to professional networking organizations.

For more advice, watch the following video that talks about making friends as an adult.

Relocation Is an Opportunity for a Fresh Start

Relocation after a divorce presents an opportunity for a fresh start and a chance to rebuild your life on your own terms. It offers the possibility of a new environment, new experiences, and the opportunity to create a home that reflects your personal growth and aspirations. By embracing change, setting new goals, and nurturing your well-being, you can create a fresh start that allows you to thrive and find happiness in your new surroundings.

Relocations are far easier with a helping hand, so contact Cross Country Moving Company and let us take care of all the hard work while you focus on your new life.


How do I know if I can legally relocate with my children after a divorce?

You will need to consult with a family law attorney in your state to determine if you can legally relocate with your children after a divorce.

What are my legal responsibilities and obligations when relocating with children after a divorce?

Your legal responsibilities and obligations when relocating with children after a divorce may vary depending on factors such as custody arrangements and court orders. Check with a family law attorney to understand your obligations.

How do I plan financially for a move after the divorce?

To plan financially for a move after a divorce, create a budget, research the cost of living in your new location, and consider any financial support you may receive from your divorce settlement.

What are some tips for finding a new home in a new location after divorce?

When looking for a new home in a new location after divorce, consider factors such as proximity to schools, community activities, and support system.

How do I build a support system in a new location after a divorce?

To build a support system in a new location after a divorce, consider joining local groups, seeking out counseling or therapy, or reaching out to family and friends.

What are some common emotional challenges associated with relocating after divorce, and how can I cope with them?

Common emotional challenges associated with relocating after divorce may include anxiety, loneliness, and a sense of loss. Coping mechanisms may include counseling or therapy, meditation, and talking to friends and family.

How do I balance my own needs with those of my children when relocating after a divorce?

To balance your own needs with those of your children when relocating after a divorce, consider your priorities and involve your children in the decision-making process.

What should I consider when deciding whether to relocate after a divorce?

Important factors to consider when deciding whether to relocate after a divorce include job opportunities, education opportunities for your children, and your support system.

How can I ensure a smooth transition for my children when relocating after a divorce?

To ensure a smooth transition for your children when relocating after a divorce, communicate with them honestly, involve them in the process as much as possible, and create a routine in the new location.


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