Los Angeles downtown skyline
December 12, 2020 Posted in City Guides
Blake Shaw

Bostonian and residential moving and packing expert. Blake Shaw enjoys bar-hopping, music, and writing insightful content.

All You Should Know About Everyday Living in Los Angeles

Are you dreaming about living in Los Angeles? Leaving all of your worries underneath the palm trees and having fun 24/7? Is that how you imagine your future as an Angeleno? For many, cross country moving to LA is a dream coming true, but is the real LA life really so dreamy? Our guide will try to bring you everything you should know before relocating here, so you can have a clear picture and be well-prepared for moving across country to one of the most exciting cities in the US.

girl in los angeles Would you want to start your day by the beach, every day? Then perhaps starting a fresh life in LA is the right thing to do.

If you’re thinking about moving to Los Angeles, keep in mind that although it is not the capital, it is the largest and most populous city in California. It has around 4 million residents in its core and almost 13 million residents in its metropolitan area. However, there’s still room for more, and thousands of newcomers are relocating to one of the best places for young adults in California each year. Whether you’re moving to Los Angeles alone or with family, you must be feeling a bit of anxiety about moving out. Don’t worry. It is all normal. And that is why we are here, to help you prepare yourself for everything this California gem has to offer and help you cope with stress.

Living in Los Angeles Pros and Cons

We start with the pros and cons because, just like with everything in life, there will be some advantages and disadvantages you’ll sooner or later become aware of. Don’t let that discourage you because we are sure there are numerous reasons why you should move here, and once you do that, you’ll fall in love with LA and all its sides.

What Are the Pros of Living in LA?

We are glad you asked because they are countless. We’ll name only a few most significant ones and leave it up to you to discover all the rest once you move here:

  • Laidback lifestyle – when moving to a big city like this, you’re probably expecting it is all hectic, loud, crowded, and bustling 24/7, and it usually is. But LA residents are known for their relaxed state of mind and a laidback lifestyle. You won’t see many people in suits or those with typical 9 to 5 jobs, and locals here pay special attention to a healthy lifestyle and well being.
  • Sunny weather – wondering what’s the best time of the year to move here? It’s anytime, including relocating during the winter months. There are 284 sunny days per year on average, which is significantly more than the national average of 205.
  • All organic – speaking of a healthy lifestyle, they take it pretty seriously around here. You’ll find farmers’ markets pretty much on every corner, as well as yoga studios and gyms. Also, everyone is obsessed with avocados, detox juices, and all that jazz, which can seem a bit annoying at first, but it might inspire you to question your lifestyle habits and make a change.
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Some of the Cons That Only Get Worse With Years

We don’t want to break your illusions or give you relocation depression, but you have to be aware that LA is not just about sun, beaches, and palm trees. Let’s take a look at some things that could be considered as drawbacks:

  • Traffic – This is not something unexpected since pretty much every metropolis has a problem with traffic jams during rush hours. But besides that, LA’s public transportation network is not so extensive and well-connected as you would expect. So for many who are looking to move to the suburbs of Los Angeles, having a car and investing in auto shipping is a must.
  • Prices – Prepare to be blown away by the cost of some things and services. LA is pricey. So, plan your moving budget carefully and get familiar with the cost of living in LA, because when you take a look at some of the most affordable places to live in Los Angeles, you’ll realize that “affordable” is such a relative term.
  • Parking – Even if you manage to get somewhere on time, you’ll encounter another problem — the lack of parking places. And once you find it, prepare to pay a lot for it. Also, sooner or later, you’ll get to pay a hefty fine because you misread a sign or forgot to pay.
Underneath the palm trees you can leave your worries The only way to fall in love with this place is to get to know all its sides

Is Living in Los Angeles Dangerous?

We wouldn’t really use the term “dangerous” to describe LA’s situation since it’s far from what you see in movies or on TV. But there is a certain level of crime typical for metropolises like this. Although LA has a higher crime rate than the national average, the overall crime rates are declining, which is good news. Still, we strongly advise you to look at some tools and tips on how to check how safe your neighborhood is before you go house-hunting.

What Are the Safest Neighborhoods?

Whether you’re moving for a loved one or you’re on a hunt for the best places to live in Los Angeles for singles, you should always have the safety of your future neighborhood as one of your top priorities. To help you with this, we curated a brief list of some of the safe neighborhoods in Los Angeles you should check out:

  • Toluca Lake
  • Sherman Oaks
  • Hollywood Hills
  • Beverly Hills
  • Beverly Groove
Hollywood Hills is a pretty safe neighborhood Choosing the right neighborhood for your future home is essential

Is Living in Los Angeles Expensive?

One of the common moving mistakes many tend to make is forgetting to save money for relocation. You should start wondering how to find a job before moving to another state because unless you have some savings, you might have to go through roommate websites and find someone to split the costs. Although the cost of living in San Francisco is higher, LA does not lack a lot. Prepare that the majority of your income will go on rent and that becoming a homeowner is going to be hard because the market is crazy.

How Much Money Do You Need to Live Comfortably in Los Angeles?

According to Numbeo, a single adult person needs around $1,050 per month for various costs, excluding the rent, of course. Also, their data show that the average monthly net salary is around $4,500, which might sound great at first, but when you take into consideration that the average one-bedroom apartment in a central location is $2,250 per month, your salary can disappear in no time. However, the fact that millions live here and people keep coming tells us that it is all doable. But just in case, consider finding a job before you booking your Los Angeles cross country movers.

LA by night Many people choose LA for their home, regardless of high expenses

How Is the Job Market in LA?

If you’re lucky enough to have one of those jobs that require relocation and it brings you to LA, you don’t have to worry about this. If not, the job market is booming and, generally speaking, it’s not so hard to find a job, so prepare your list of important questions to ask your employer before relocating. Keep in mind that the competition is tough – many come to excel in their career, armed with ambition, work experience, and polished CVs.

What Are the Top Employers in LA?

From the Fortune 500 list, even 26 companies have their headquarters in LA, which is pretty much half of Fortune 500 companies in the state of CA, since there’s a total of 53 of them. Besides that, some of the biggest employers in the area are:

  • Amazon
  • Target Corp.
  • Walt Disney Co.
  • NBCUniversal
  • Home Depot
  • Boeing Co.
  • FedEx Corp.
One way to move here is to find a well-paid work position Many move here to work due to numerous job opportunities

What Are the Best Places to Live for Young Adults in Their 20s and 30s?

There are many advantages to moving alone to LA. Whether you’re coming here for education or a job, you won’t be alone. Thousands of young professionals move here due to numerous opportunities and overall life quality. Here you can have it all, work and pleasure. So if you’re wondering where are young and single living in Los Angeles California, here is a brief list of few trending locations:

  • West Hollywood
  • Santa Monica
  • Venice
  • Los Feliz
  • Downtown

Is LA Family Friendly?

Although many wouldn’t put LA on the list of best places to raise a family in California, LA is not all about the young and single. There are so many things to do in LA with kids, not to mention great schools and universities. You should carefully pick your neighborhood and keep in mind safety, proximity to good schools, and commute time if you’re relocating to the suburbs. Also, there’s Disneyland, Griffith Observatory, and many more kid-friendly activities, including everyone’s favorite perk, the beach.

People love LA because whether it is day or night, there's always something going on LA is a great place for life, whether you're single or plan to raise a family here

What Are the Things You Should Know Before Moving to LA?

It is never easy to leave everything behind and move, which is why you need to come prepared, especially if you’re coming from a small town. It can be a huge culture shock. Not to mention how challenging it can be to find an apartment or a job if you don’t have contacts, and making friends in a new city is not your specialty.

One thing that we didn’t mention is that if you’re relocating with your pet, you’ve picked the right place since LA is one of the most pet-friendly cities in the US. There are numerous pet hotels, pet-friendly beaches, services, and grooming salons, which is excellent news for those moving with dogs.

Fun Facts and Things to Be Aware of

When relocating to such a large metropolis, you can never get enough information and tips, so here are more of them:

  • Prepare that you’ll be buying sunscreen year-round,
  • Prepare that you can get a sunburn in February and have a tan year-round,
  • Season changes are very subtle,
  • You’ll start believing that 45 minutes is a good commute time,
  • You’ll get sick of “actors” and Hollywood wannabes,
  • You’ll probably not be spending as much time on the beach as you thought,
  • You’ll get sick of tacos,
  • The chances are high you’ll become a vegan, or at least start eating your vegetables,
  • Prepare that you might see a coyote in your neighborhood.

Take a Look at This Video to Hear What You Can Expect

Want to find out what is it like living in Los Angeles as a newcomer? Take a look at this video to hear the first-hand experience from a newbie in town. It will help you prepare for the adjustment period.

Is Los Angeles a Good Place to Live?

As always, we would like to leave the final verdict to you. We are sure that after getting to know LA a bit better and experiencing all of its pros and cons, you’ll learn how to love them and become a real Angeleno. If you’re still hesitant, find a reliable cross country moving company that offers moving services such as renting storage, packing services, as well as boxes and packing supplies, so you can dedicate yourself fully to exploring LA.


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