June 26, 2024 Posted in How-to
Maya Brown

Born in Atlanta, Maya has called many places home in her lifetime. She's a content writer and moving expert who loves to help people relocate smoothly.

How to Tape Moving Boxes to Prevent Damage During Transport

Ever watched a box burst open mid-move? Yikes! Knowing how to tape moving boxes can save you from this type of disaster, all while protecting precious belongings from damage. No more crushed memories or runaway items – with our expert tips, you’ll be taping away like a true pro.

Girl holding duct tape overlay
Let's explore the secrets behind boxing up like a true pro

How to Tape Moving Boxes – A Quick Overview

Start by securing the bottom seam with a strip of tape, reinforcing corners with diagonal pieces, and filling the box without overloading. Close the box with a tight seal along the top seam, using additional tape if needed. Label the box for easy identification, and remember, if the thought of all this taping is too sticky, you always have the option of hiring movers.

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Start With Getting Sturdy Boxes in Various Sizes

Moving day – the ultimate chaos. There’s bubble wrap, packing peanuts, and mountains of stuff you forgot you even owned. But when you start compiling a packing list, what’s the first thing on your mind? Boxes. Lots and lots of boxes.

The old, reliable cardboard boxes are behind the scenes of every move, silently standing by to hold everything from your grandma’s china to the weirdly large collection of novelty mugs.

Just imagine planning a move without them – it’s impossible! How many you need depends, of course, on the scope of the move.

The average household needs at least ten large boxes for each room

These sturdy containers keep belongings safe and organized. They provide structure and protection, ensuring everything arrives at the new home in one piece. But to truly keep belongings safe, you need to use the best-sized boxes. This means having various sizes on hand and knowing what to put inside each one. Here’s a quick overview.

Size Dimensions Ideal For
Small 16" x 10" x 10" Books, DVDs, kitchen utensils
Medium 18" x 14" x 12" Toys, small electronics, clothes
Large 20" x 20" x 15" Kitchen appliances, lamps, bedding
Extra Large 23" x 23" x 16" Blankets, large cushions, bulky items

Don’t Forget About Duct Tape – Get More Than You Think You Need for This Task

Ah, duct tape – the mover’s other best friend. This stuff is gold when it comes to securing the boxes. It’s strong, reliable, and can handle the rough and tumble of moving day. You think you have enough, but trust me, you don’t. Make sure you stock up so the boxes can stay tightly sealed, no matter how bumpy the ride is.

Tape on the table along with other supplies overlay
Think you've got enough? Think again!

Just Boxes and Tape Aren’t Enough – You Need to Stock up on Plenty of Supplies

Sure, boxes and tape are the dynamic duo, but they’re definitely not the whole team – you need backup. Really, imagine trying to pack any fragile item from the household without bubble wrap and packing paper. Your precious glassware won’t have a chance!

A safe move requires an ensemble cast of packing materials, each playing its part to ensure each piece makes it from point A to point B without a scratch. Here are these honorable mentions:

Cross-Country Moving Services Can Include the Materials, Too

With full packing services, professional long-distance movers can bring their own arsenal of supplies. Even more importantly, they come armed with expert techniques, making relocation look super easy. With pros such as Cross Country Moving Company, you get to skip the scavenger hunt for packing materials and all that stress that comes with it.

Cross-country movers holding duct tape overlay
This is the bread and butter of professional movers

Be Organized From the Get-Go – Start by Downsizing and Setting Up a Packing Station

You can have all the boxes, tape, and padded paper in the world, but if you don’t have an organized approach, it’s going to be a disaster. Moving cross-country without a solid plan in mind is almost impossible. Organization is the backbone of a successful relocation, keeping everything running smoothly and helping you stay on schedule.

One of the best ways to kick it off is by downsizing. After all, clutter has become the new norm – around 54% of Americans say they are overwhelmed by it, but 78% have absolutely no idea what to do with all that stuff. One word – Goodwill. Or maybe a garage sale to help with the relocation budget.

On top of making someone’s day, you’ll have fewer things to pack, move, and unpack – it’s that simple. Here are some tips to help you declutter effectively:

  • Give yourself plenty of time to go through everything,
  • Focus on one room at a time to avoid feeling overwhelmed,
  • Sort items into keep, donate, and toss piles as you go through each room,
  • Be honest with yourself, if you haven’t used it in a year, you probably don’t need it,
  • Create a household inventory with the things you plan on bringing with you.

Having a Designated Space for Packing Can Help Keep Everything Tidy

When you have a specific spot for boxing up, it keeps the rest of the home free from the clutter of packaging supplies and whatnot. It’s like having a command center for the move – everything you need is in one place.

Choose a room or corner of your home with enough space, and make sure it’s a spot where you can work comfortably without interruptions. Keep all of the supplies organized and within reach. Stick to using this space only, and you’ll find that it makes the entire process much more manageable. Plus, when you’re done, tidying it up will be a piece of cake.

Man duct-taping a box overlay
Once you have a special place for this task, it will feel much more organized

How to Tape a Box for Shipping Without a Hitch – A Step-By-Step Guide

Now that you’re standing in the middle of the packing station with the relocation inventory in hand, it’s time to tackle the next frontier – taping up these boxes like a pro. It’s a moment of truth, the grand finale, the… well, you get the idea. Here’s how to tape a moving box.

Secure the Bottom Seam

Place the box on a flat surface and fold the flaps inward. Use the packing tape dispenser to apply a strip of tape along the seam where the flaps meet. Be sure to press down firmly to ensure a secure seal.

For added strength, apply a second strip perpendicular to the first, creating an “H” shape. This double-taping method helps prevent the bottom of the box from bursting open, especially when it’s loaded with heavier items like books and electronic devices.

Reinforce the Bottom Corners

To reinforce the bottom corners of the box, cut two small pieces of tape, each about 6 to 8 inches long, and place them diagonally across each other. Press down firmly to ensure the tape adheres well to the box. This additional reinforcement helps prevent the corners from splitting open during transit, ensuring everything inside the box stays safe and secure.

Fill the Box With Contents

Before sealing the top of the box, make sure it’s properly filled. Use packing materials like bubble wrap, packing peanuts, or crumpled paper to fill any empty spaces and provide cushioning for items. Heavier items should go on the bottom, while lighter ones should be on top. Be sure not to overfill the box, as this can put pressure on the sides and weaken the structure.

Close the Box and Seal It Tightly

Once the box is packed, fold down the top flaps and secure them in the same manner as the bottom. Apply a strip of tape along the seam where the flaps meet, pressing down firmly to create a tight seal. For added security, apply a second strip of tape perpendicular to the first, just like you did for the bottom of the box.

Label the Box

Before sealing the top of the box, take a moment to label it. Use a permanent marker to write the contents and destination on the top and sides of the box. This will help you (and your cross-country movers) easily identify the box and handle it with care.

Professional Cross-Country Moving Companies Are Always There to Lend a Helping Hand

Feeling overwhelmed by the whole ordeal? Worried about the safety of precious belongings? There’s no need for relocation stress when long-distance moving services exist. With the experience and expertise of professional movers, you can rest easy knowing that everything is in good hands.

Moreover, you can tailor the cross-country moving service to your specific needs. Whether you need packing assistance, furniture disassembly, or storage solutions, they’ve got you covered. Thanks to this, you can cherry-pick exactly what you need, making the move a masterpiece of personalization.

Your Car Might Not Fit in a Box, but Long-Distance Movers Can Take Care of It Too

Got a car that’s too cool for boxes? A professional long-distance moving company should also provide you with the option of auto shipping. They’ll whisk your wheels to the new digs with care and precision so you can hit the road in style.

Open trailer loaded with cars overlay
Movers can take care of the four-wheeler too, with no added mileage included

Breezy Unpacking – The Reward for a Meticulous Job of Boxing Up

Ah, the sweet satisfaction of unpacking boxes! But this task is very easy to put off, and people live surrounded by cardboard for months on end. In fact, a recent survey shows that the average American needs 182 days to get over with it.

But if you’ve been a good student and followed our advice, unpacking should be a breeze. Remember how you carefully labeled each box and organized items by room? Well, now’s the time to reap the rewards of the hard work. Removing tape residue will be the only sticky situation here.

With each box you open, you’ll feel a sense of accomplishment as you see the new space coming together exactly as you envisioned. Once that’s done, you can sit back, relax, and enjoy the fruits of your (and the movers’) labor.

Labeled boxes and other items in an empty place overlay
If you've taken time to label everything, you can breeze through unpacking

Sealing the Deal on the Cross-Country Move

And there you have it – how to tape boxes for moving and everything in between. We’ve wrapped up the crash course in taping and boxing up like a pro. With these new skills, you’re ready to tackle the move with confidence, ensuring that your belongings stay snug as a bug in a rug during transport.

But hey, if the thought of all this taping still has you sticking to the seat, why not let the pros lend a hand? Cross Country Moving Company is here to turn relocating into a tape-free breeze. Contact us today – a smooth and seamless experience is guaranteed!


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