November 12, 2021 Posted in Moving Essentials
Blake Shaw

Bostonian and residential moving and packing expert. Blake Shaw enjoys bar-hopping, music, and writing insightful content.

The Ultimate First Apartment Checklist of Essentials

There is nothing more exciting than preparing to move long-distance and envisioning your new home. However, there is some stuff you’ll definitely need in order to equip your living space and make it feel like home. Here is the ultimate first apartment checklist of all things needed for an easy and comfortable life on your own.

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Is your dream of having your own flat becoming true? Then it is the right time to start envisioning your next space and equipping it

Have you just graduated, found a job that requires relocation, and are ready to move into your very first place? If this is the case, there will be a lot of things on your plate to organize, from choosing the right cross-country moving company and scheduling cross-country moving services to deciding what you need to rent an apartment or what new items to buy in order to make the apartment feel like home. Here is everything you should do when relocating from a house to an apartment.

A Few Preparatory Steps Before You Move

Some details that should be definitely added to your to-do list are the steps people usually forget about, which could potentially cause a lot of problems or inconveniences. Here are some relocation tips you shouldn’t leave for later:

Changing the Locks Is the Only Way to Be Sure You Have the Only Key

Whether you are the owner of the flat or a renter, this place will be your safe harbor for some time, and this is exactly how you should feel there. For that reason, changing all the locks is highly recommended (if the landlord allows it, of course). This way, you’ll be sure that the owner of the only key is you, and there won’t be any space left for inconveniences such as uninvited visitors.

Schedule Pest Control

We’re sure you don’t want bugs to run around your house. That’s why you should schedule pest control at least two weeks before the relocation date. This is just enough time for all those products to start to work and create an invisible but effective barrier for bugs and rodents.

Change Air Conditioner Filters

Air conditioners are collectors of all kinds of viruses and bacteria that can easily spread through the air. Unfortunately, some viruses, like Coxsackievirus, can be extremely dangerous to your health, and one of the main ways they transfer is through air conditioning systems.

This is why changing filters regularly is of tremendous importance. If you don’t know how to do it yourself, hiring professional services to deal with this issue is the best way to protect yourself from severe consequences. The good thing is this is not such an expensive investment, so don’t postpone it.

Get All Cleaning Supplies and Clean the Whole Place Thoroughly

Although the owner’s responsibility is to give you a perfectly clean flat, it is still highly recommended to do the cleaning on your own once again after relocating to the new home. The reason is simple – many potential tenants have passed through the place, so it loses its potential to stay perfectly clean. Furthermore, everybody has different standards of cleanliness, so if you’re super-neat, cleaning the home in detail is definitely something you want to tackle.

Schedule Professional Furniture Cleaning

If you are renting an equipped flat, going for professional furniture cleaning is another task to add to your to-do notes. Don’t worry – it won’t be necessary to take any furniture from the house, since professional cleaners bring the necessary equipment with them and finish the cleaning process on the spot.

Decide Whether Repainting Is Necessary

Another thing to decide before you move in is whether you have to repaint the walls. Not only is this another way to be sure your place is immaculate, but it is also a great way to improve your future home. Choosing the colors that suit your style and make you feel comfortable in the space can significantly change the atmosphere of the whole place.

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What Are Some Essentials for a First Apartment?

Relocation to the first flat usually means you will rent a home that is entirely furnished because this will be the most cost-effective solution. However, no matter how well your place is equipped, when moving out for the first time, there are some details you’ll want to incorporate into the space so the whole flat can be furnished according to your style.

Going room by room and identifying all the things you need is the best course of action. Although there are many details you won’t be able to change, such as the couch, kitchen cabinets, or bathroom tiles, there are still numerous details that could help you upgrade the flat. Here are all the things people usually forget to pack that are considered relocation essentials.

These Essentials Will Not Only Improve the Looks of the Kitchen, but also the Taste of the Meals

If you’re starting to live on your own, the kitchen might be a whole new place to discover. The chances that you’ll suddenly want to become a master chef are huge, and that’s why you’ll have to get all these pieces for your kitchen that will help you fulfill your next goal. Here is the checklist of all necessary utensils:

  • Eating and cooking cutlery,
  • Cutting boards,
  • Plates and bowls,
  • Pots and pans,
  • Glasses, cups, and mugs,
  • Small kitchen appliances: mixer, microwave, blender, toaster, coffee machine.

The Bedroom Will Be the Most Expensive to Equip, But Those Changes Are Worth Every Cent

Buying a mattress, bed, pillows, linen and pillowcases, towels, and blankets is a must. Also, if you’re prone to allergies, then buying a new mattress and pillows is the only way to be sure nothing will disturb your health.

When it comes to the mattress, another reason why you should buy it is that not every mattress suits everybody the same – there are different sizes, materials, and firmness scales. This means you have to be sure that the mattress suits you perfectly because it directly affects your sleep quality. It should also fit the size of the bed, so don’t forget about this small detail.

Other pieces to add to the checklist (that won’t cost you a fortune) are nightstands, lamps, mirrors, hangers, curtains, and rugs. When it comes to nightstands or lamps, if you are creative, you could even remodel some old pieces of furniture and get entirely authentic items, so ensure to move furniture that could serve you in this purpose.

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No matter how well-equipped the flat is, there are always things you might want to change

Take Care of Bathroom Details to Upgrade It

Using already used bathroom items like a trash can, toilet seat, toilet brush, or toothbrush holder doesn’t sound like the best option. Simply said, you will never be sure if they are clean enough. That’s why the best solution is to change them since all of them are pretty affordable.

Another thing to change in your bathroom should definitely be shower curtains, because, believe it or not, there are 60 times more bacteria on shower curtains than on toilet seats! So, don’t forget to buy another one when relocating to the next place.

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The bathroom can be a critical point in a flat, but don't let this discourage you because there are many affordable options to upgrade it

Living Room Checklist: Decorations Are Essential to Arrange the Whole Space According to Your Style

Maybe you cannot change couches, armchairs, or other massive pieces of furniture, but there are still some details you can incorporate into the place and arrange it to feel more yours. Decorative pillows, family pictures, interesting curtains, a lot of plants, bookshelves, vintage coffee tables, or standing lamps are only a few of the affordable options to remodel the living room.

Although this might not seem that important right away, such small details can tremendously help you adjust to a new place. Since all these belongings have sentimental value and remind us of dear people, you will likely feel more comfortable with all the changes the different environment brings. So, remember to put some of those belongings on your packing list when moving cross country.

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Possessions of sentimental value are extremely important for the adjustment process

A Toolkit Is Another One of the First Apartment Essentials

A box of essential tools is definitely something you’ll want to have in your moving-out-for-the-first-time list. This way, you’ll be able to hang a picture by yourself, assemble a piece of furniture, or handle a DIY project. Although there are many tasks where you might need assistance from professionals, there are still some things you can take care of on your own. If you’re not sure which tools to get, check out the video below!

First Apartment Tips: Create Storage Places to Keep Your Space Neat and All Supplies in Order

There are never too many storage places within a flat. No matter how much you downsize for a move, considerable storage space is something you should organize. Clothes racks, shoe cabinets, additional dressers, wicker baskets, and shelves are elements that are not that expensive but could help you store all belongings. You can also use the space under the bed to store some stuff.

That’s why you should carefully consider your next residential space and its potential for storage. Investing in those pieces of furniture is definitely worth every dollar because chaos is something that will not bring any happiness into your life. The point is – everything should have its place to be stored in. Whether it’s jewelry, a yoga mat, or a sewing kit, you should know where it belongs.

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Envisioning storage spaces can be more creative than you think

Creating a Moving List of Things You Need for Your First Apartment Is Not that Tough After All

Now that you have all the basic stuff needed when relocating to a new state, we’re sure that common relocation mistakes won’t be something you’ll repeat. Also, once you organize and list all the items you actually need, you will be able to move efficiently and eliminate all the unnecessary clutter at the very beginning.

How Do I Budget for My First Apartment?

Once you prioritize all the stuff this way, you will have a clear picture of how much money you will have to spend on buying items, remodeling them, or relocating them. Another crucial detail that should be included in your relocation budget is definitely the long-distance moving services you’ll use. The less stuff in your household inventory list for cross-country movers to carry, the lower the costs.

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Know your costs and how they are defined

Ready to Embark on the Next Life Adventure?

Now that you know all the essential steps to prepare your new place, even if you haven’t done it before, it won’t be that difficult. Just follow these simple tips, and keeping control over the whole process will be a piece of cake!


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