September 26, 2024 Posted in Prepare for the Move
Milly Andrews

Born and raised in Portland, Milly has had a lot of experience moving and writing about the relocation process.

Where to Get Started Cleaning First When Moving Across the Country

When you’re getting ready to move, cleaning might feel like just another overwhelming task on an already long to-do list. However, knowing where to begin is key – so, where to get started cleaning first? Tackling the right areas early on can save you time and help you stay organized throughout the entire process. Here is what to do to ensure everything is spotless before transitioning to your new home.

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Make moving easier one clean room at a time

Where to Get Started Cleaning First When Moving Cross-Country?

When preparing for an interstate relocation, begin with storage spaces like basements and attics to clear out clutter and make packing easier. Next, tackle high-use areas such as the kitchen, bathrooms, bedrooms, and living room, ensuring these essential spaces are fresh and ready. In the end, make sure the outside of your home is clean as well. Before you lock the doors, ensure nothing is forgotten, and remember to take out all the accumulated trash.

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Packing and Purging – The Best Starting Point

When relocating to a new state, there’s no better place to begin than with a good old purge. Why pack up things you don’t use or need? Not only does decluttering lighten the load, but it also makes unpacking after the move a whole lot easier.

When you’re downsizing for a relocation, you’re essentially eliminating obstacles. After all, trying to clean around piles of unused items or unnecessary furniture makes the job harder and more frustrating.

Clearing out the clutter first means there’s less stuff to clean, so the whole process of move-out cleaning becomes much more manageable. Think about it – it’s much easier to wipe down counters, vacuum floors, and dust surfaces when they’re not covered in random things.

*54% of Americans are overwhelmed with their clutter

Don’t Pack What You Don’t Need

Start by going room by room, assessing what you use regularly and what’s just collecting dust. Sell, recycle, or donate unwanted items to charities such as Goodwill. There’s no point in lugging things across the country if they’re only going to sit forgotten in a new home, taking up space and energy. Don’t forget – the less you pack, the less you’ll spend on moving expenses. This is true whether you plan on getting a cross-country moving service or relocating on your own.

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Cut your losses and leave behind things you don't use or need

Ultimate Cleaning Arsenal – Must-Have Supplies for a Spotless Move-Out

When preparing for a move, deep cleaning is a must if you wish to leave the space spotless for its next occupants or to satisfy a landlord! However, to make this process as smooth and efficient as possible, it’s important to have the right supplies on hand. Here’s a list of essentials to ensure you can tackle every corner of your home:

  • All-purpose cleaner,
  • Glass cleaner and disinfectant spray,
  • Microfiber cloths and scrub brushes,
  • Broom, dustpan, mop, and bucket,
  • Vacuum cleaner,
  • Oven cleaner,
  • Trash bags,
  • Gloves.

What to Clean First When Moving? Start With Storage Spaces

Storage spaces like basements, garages, and attics are often the most cluttered and neglected areas of a home. While it might be tempting to save these for last, it’s much wiser to organize a move starting with them. These are places where you stash everything you don’t use regularly, so they’re likely filled with items you’ve long forgotten about.

Tackling these areas first allows you to clear out large volumes of clutter upfront, making the rest of the process feel much more manageable. Not only that but cleaning out storage areas first opens up valuable space that can then be used to store packed boxes and packing tools as you work through other rooms.

In the end, waiting until the last minute to clean these areas can only add to your relocation stress, as they often require extra time and energy to declutter. By starting here, you’re eliminating one of the biggest challenges right away, giving yourself peace of mind as relocation day approaches.

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Break storage spaces into smaller sections and clean one part at a time

Deep Clean Common Areas Like a Pro

Relocating to a new home is the perfect excuse to give your old place a proper farewell by making it spotless. A deep clean ensures you’re leaving a good impression, especially if you’re hoping to get a deposit back, rent your home, or plan to sell your house. But where to start and how to do it properly? The key is to tackle each room with a plan and a purpose. Here is the ultimate move-out cleaning checklist you can use:

Kitchen Shenanigan - Tackling the Grease and Grime

The kitchen tends to be the room that requires the most elbow grease. Between cooking splatters, hidden grease spots, and crumbs tucked into every nook, it’s easy to overlook just how dirty it can get.

Start by cleaning out all the cabinets and drawers. Wipe down surfaces with a heavy-duty cleaner, paying extra attention to grease-prone areas like the stovetop and the area behind it. Don’t forget those appliances either!

The fridge and oven likely need some attention before you hand over the keys. This room will take some time, but think of it as your biggest cleaning challenge. Once the kitchen is done, the rest of the house will feel like a breeze!

Bathrooms - The Forgotten War Zone

If there’s one place you don’t want to skip, it’s the bathroom. Start by scrubbing down the shower and tub area. Keep in mind that water stains and soap scum have a way of building up over time. The sink and toilet also deserve your attention. While you’re at it, clean the mirrors and shine up those faucets to make the whole bathroom sparkle. It may be tedious, but you’ll thank yourself later when everything looks fresh and brand new.

Bedrooms - The Calm Before the Storm

Once you’ve conquered the kitchen and bathrooms, the bedrooms are the next logical step. While they might not seem as messy at first glance, bedrooms often hide clutter in the most surprising places. Closets, in particular, tend to accumulate forgotten items that need to be dealt with as a part of relocation day preparations.

Dust all surfaces, including those often-forgotten places like the tops of dressers and underneath the bed. Sweep or vacuum the floors and wipe down any windows and mirrors. This room should feel like a peaceful retreat, and cleaning it well ensures that you leave behind a space as serene as the one you’re heading toward.

Living Room Liveliness - Where Clutter Hides in Plain Sight

The living room may be where you’ve spent the most time relaxing, but when it comes to cleaning, it can quickly become a hotspot for hidden messes. Dust bunnies, rogue socks, and the occasional missing remote tend to hide in these forgotten corners, making them a prime target.

Sweep or vacuum away any debris that’s accumulated over time. Be sure to vacuum any upholstered furniture as well – your couch could probably use a good freshening up before the move. In addition to that, wipe down all surfaces, from coffee tables to shelves and picture frames.

Don’t Forget the Curb Appeal

When relocating to a new city, it’s easy to focus all your energy on the inside of your home and forget about the outdoor spaces. However, your porch or patio has likely seen plenty of activity, whether it’s been a space for lounging or the spot where all your delivery packages pile up. Sweep away dirt, leaves, and cobwebs that have accumulated over time. Wipe down any outdoor or garden furniture you plan to leave behind. If you’re taking it with you, clean it well before loading it onto the relocation truck.

Trash Day – Make Your Last Pickup Count

One thing that often gets overlooked during the chaos of moving is organizing your trash and recycling for the last pickup day. As you declutter and pack, trash tends to pile up. Make sure you have a plan for getting rid of the trash before cross-country movers arrive. If you have large items like old furniture or appliances that need to go, schedule a bulk pickup with your waste management service.

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Leaving behind a clean, trash-free property is the responsible thing to do

Welcome Long-Distance Movers Into a Clean and Organized Home

When it’s time to move, not only does a spotless house make their job easier, but it also creates a more efficient moving process for you. Movers need clear spaces to navigate, so giving them access to a clutter-free and clean environment will help them do their work faster and with fewer obstacles.

The only time your home doesn’t need to be spotless is if you decide to get full packing services from reliable movers, such as Cross Country Moving Company. While a general level of tidiness is still helpful, there’s no need to go all out with cleaning since the movers will be working directly with your belongings. After you get cross-country moving services and the crew packs everything up, you can focus on tidying up the house once it’s empty, which makes the process much easier.

Remember – a clean home is more than just good manners. It’s essential for avoiding any mishaps, such as tripping over loose items or navigating through crowded spaces. Therefore, make sure to clear the paths when the relocation day comes. Move any small furniture, boxes, or loose items that might block the way.

Final Walkthrough and the Last Inspection

The final walkthrough is the grand finale of your move-out process. After all the packing, cleaning, and organizing, make sure nothing is left behind. Look under beds, behind doors, and in those sneaky spots where items like socks, phone chargers, or favorite mugs love to hide.

Once the workers from a long-distance moving company are gone and every room has been checked, it’s time to give everything a final wipe-down and make sure it’s as clean as possible. Sweep the floors, wipe down countertops, and make sure windows are smudge-free. The goal is to leave the home looking as fresh and welcoming as when you first moved in, if not better.

Cleaning When Moving In – Where to Begin?

Before unpacking boxes, it’s important to thoroughly clean the new place, as well. Even if the previous owners or tenants left it tidy, deep cleaning ensures that you’re starting fresh in your new space. Remember – there could be hidden dust, allergens, or grime that accumulated over time, or even areas that weren’t properly sanitized.

When tackling move-in cleaning, the best place to start is the kitchen and bathrooms. These high-use areas are essential from day one, so making sure they’re spotless will instantly improve your comfort. From there on, continue with the rest of the rooms.

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A clean kitchen means you can prepare meals without worrying about lingering dirt

Make Your Move Stress-Free With Cross Country Moving Company

Relocating across the country should be exciting, not stressful. That’s where our long-distance moving services come in! With our team of expert movers, you can sit back and enjoy the anticipation of your new adventure while we handle the heavy lifting.

From packing up your precious belongings to safely transporting them across state lines, we’re one of the best cross-country moving companies to help you cover every step of the way. To set the stage for a seamless transition, you just have to worry about welcoming us into a clean, organized space. Contact us now and book a move on time. Let’s make your relocation hassle-free together.


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