Category: How-to

How to Pack Knives Safely When Moving Cross-Country

If you have an envious collection of cooking blades, learning how to pack knives when moving cross country is going to be a very important task. After all, prepping a delicious meal in your new home won’t be possible without an extraordinarily sharp blade to cut all the ingredients with. That’s why this guide has everything you need to know to secure these utensils for the move.

How to Remove Tape Residue After Cross-Country Moving

One of the good things that came out of World War II was the wide usage of duct tape. To this day, a life without it is hard to imagine, and it can be used on almost all surfaces. Still, there’s an unwanted consequence – glue remains . So how to remove tape residue without damaging the surface it is attached to? We will try to answer this and more questions.

Fun Long-Distance Valentine’s Day Ideas to Help You Celebrate Love

Being miles away from your loved one on special dates is hard. Walking down the streets all alone and watching happy couples exchanging gifts and kisses doesn’t seem like fun on a date when love is globally celebrated. If state lines separate you from your soulmate, our long-distance Valentine’s Day suggestions will help you overcome this apartness.

How to Move Out of Your Parents’ House

The idea of living on your own is equally thrilling and nerve-racking for everyone who wants to become independent. Are you one of those people? If you’re relocating for the first time, some tips on how to move out of your parents’ house can do a lot to calm the emotional storm inside of you. A few pointers here and there can help you be certain that everything will come out fine – and we have just that.

How to Prepare for a Move in the Most Efficient Way

Around 31 million people move each year in the US, and even though some of them will hire cross-country movers, they still have to know how to prepare for a move. Because in the end, hiring movers is only part of the whole process. You still have to plan and arrange other things, but don’t worry – with a couple of advice and tips, your moving preparation will be easy and without fuss.

How to Ship a Car Cross Country Without Losing Your Mind

Long-distance moving is never easy. But if you decide to invest in different services provided by a long-distance moving company, you’ll have less to worry about. The question is – how to ship a car cross country, and is it better to let the professionals do it or drive it by yourself?

How to Organize Packing to Move – Make Your Move Stress-Free

According to the LA Times, the average American household contains around 300,000 objects. And when the time to move comes, you’ll meet the nightmare of packaging them! So learning how to organize packing to move is of great importance. Unless, of course, you want to find yourself in the middle of chaos, which we highly doubt. If you are on the hunt for the best organizing tips, look no further – we have them all.

How to Pack Efficiently When Moving Across the Country

So, you’ve finally decided to move across the country, and we can only congratulate you on taking this step in your life. However, when the decision is made, you’ll have to learn how to pack efficiently for the trip that is ahead of you. While it can be tricky, it’s no rocket science, especially with our tried and true tips that optimize even the smallest of bags.

How to Repurpose Old Furniture and Use It in a New Home When Moving Cross Country

There is no need to shop any more than necessary when relocating. There are amazing ideas on how to repurpose old furniture you can implement at a new home. The cross-country moving process can inspire the creative urge in you because finally, you get to redesign the home and give it a unique vibe.

How to Move Out for the First Time Without Messing It Up

You’ve dreamed about this day for quite a while. Leaving the parents’ nest and venturing into your independence sounds just like the beginning of an adventure. But how to move out for the first time and do everything right? Perhaps you lack experience, but with simple advice, you will be battle-ready.

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